"If only we could have back again many of those who were lost or badly hurt, for a second chance in the operative room with what we have learned.” CG Drake, 1996

Dear colleagues,

It is a great pleasure to invite you to the 11th edition of the Neuro Interventionalists and Complications (NICO 2025) meeting taking place on 30 and 31 October, 2025 in Berlin, Germany.

The NICO meeting is a specialised gathering for Neuro Interventionalists with a focus on presenting cases in which some type of complication occurred during or after performing neuro interventional treatment.

The 11th edition will once again bring international specialists who will meet in a creative and constructive environment to discuss in detail, clinical and technical complications as well as to brainstorm and explore new techniques to ensure the best care for patients, during and after treatment.

We look forward to welcoming you to Berlin this autumn!

NICO 2025 Scientific Committee

Logistical & technical organisation by

13-15 rue des Sablons
75116 Paris - France

Project Manager:
Michel WAHBA

Phone : +33 (0)1 40 88 97 97
E-mail :

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